Google Gets It Right

March 28, 2005

A follow up on my post on France , with grateful acknowledgment to’s excellent political humor section.

Carnival of the Manly Recipes

March 28, 2005

One of my bearded-mentor-wizard projects is to develop a Manly Cookbook:

Meals That Can Be Shopped For In Less than 1 Minute
Meals That Can Be Cooked In Less than 5 minutes
Meals that Can Be Cooked Once And Then Eaten For 6 Successive Days Without Major Medical Intervention
Meals That Can Be Cooked And Eaten While One Is Inebriated
Meals That Use All The Stuff In the Fridge

Under the last category, I today fed Mrs. G a feast of al dente lasagna, lightly steamed cabbage, and boiled eggs. She acclaimed this as “a culinary first”!

The recipe is, like all Manly Recipes, self-evident. Although I would suggest leaving out the stalk of the cabbage when chopping it up, and using lots of butter, salt and pepper in everything, other than the boiled eggs.

As this blog evolves, I will provide more Manly inspirations. Reader suggestions are welcome & will be ruthlessly plagiarized.